Study In Malaysia Guide | Study Abroad in Malaysia for Pakistani Students 2023

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 Study in Malaysia Guide 

Toppers Academy has created a special study abroad guide to study in Malaysia for Pakistani students who want to continue their higher education in Malaysia. This online resource is to the point and created only for Pakistani students.


Malaysia is a modern, traditional, developed, and historic country. Malaysia gradually becoming a popular study-abroad destination due to low crime rates, unique culture, and high quality of education. There are 5 universities appearing in the world ranking of universities by Times.


Want to go to Malaysia for higher studies?

Study Abroad in Malaysia for Pakistani Students

Study in Malaysia Guide 


Toppers Academy has created a special study abroad guide to study in Malaysia for Pakistani students who want to continue their higher education in Malaysia. This online resource is to the point and created only for Pakistani students.


Malaysia is a modern, traditional, developed, and historic country. Malaysia gradually becoming a popular study-abroad destination due to low crime rates, unique culture and high quality of education. There are 5 universities appearing in the world ranking of universities by Times.

Accommodation Expenses for foreign students

Types and monthly average cost of on-campus and off-campus accommodation per person. It is a rough estimate of expenses it may vary regarding your selected area and other facilities.


Malaysian Scholarships

There are different companies and organizations providing scholarships for students to study in Malaysia according to their degrees.


Student Visa

If you want to study in Malaysia, you have to get a student pass to enter in Malaysia. Students have to apply in the Malaysian educational institutes. The application for the student pass is submitted by the institute in which you have been accepted to study.


Universities in Malaysia

Here is a list of universities in Malaysia. Universities in Malaysia are generally categorized as public and private universities.


Work Permit for Students

Foreign students can be employed to work at Restaurants, Petrol stations, Mini markets, and Hotels.


Study Abroad Consultants for Malaysia

Find the best consultancy to study in your dream country Malaysia


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